Wednesday, May 26, 2021

White House News (白宮消息) | May 26, 2021

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Belarus plane arrest - is it a first?

The forced diversion of a Ryanair passenger plane to Belarus's capital Minsk on Sunday, and the arrest of a dissident journalist on board, have caused outrage elsewhere in Europe.

May 26 - The civilian aircraft was flying from Greece to Lithuania, passing through Belarus's airspace, when Belarus sent a fighter jet to intercept it, claiming there was a bomb threat.

The pilots of the Ryanair flight were obliged to follow the instructions of the military plane.

The events have been condemned by the EU and the US. But has a similar intercept happened before?

Russian foreign ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova accused Western countries of hypocrisy, saying (in Russian) that nations "had reacted differently to similar events which took place in other countries earlier".

She referred particularly to an incident eight years ago involving the plane of Bolivia's then-President Evo Morales.
Here's a look back at previous incidents where planes may - or may not - have been forced to land.     source from

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Belarus,[a] officially the Republic of Belarus,[b] is a landlocked country in Eastern Europe. It is bordered by Russia to the east and northeast, Ukraine to the south, Poland to the west, and Lithuania and Latvia to the northwest. Covering an area of 207,600 square kilometres (80,200 sq mi) and with a population of 9.4 million, Belarus is the thirteenth-largest and the twentieth-most populous country in Europe. The country is administratively divided into seven regionsMinsk is the capital and largest city.     from Wikipedia

白俄罗斯共和国白俄罗斯语:Рэспубліка Беларусь,英语:The Republic of Belarus),简称白俄罗斯,位于东欧平原西部,东邻俄罗斯,北、西北与拉脱维亚立陶宛交界,西与波兰毗邻,南与乌克兰接壤。 [1]  国土面积达207,600平方公里,人口达950万(2017年),大部分居住在首都明斯克等大城市附近,将近80%人口为白俄罗斯人,大多信仰东正教复活节等被设为国定假日。 [2] 

东斯拉夫人的一支。白俄罗斯(“白色罗斯”)一词始见于1135年编年史。公元862年,白俄罗斯土地上建成波洛茨克城堡。9-12世纪,以该城堡为中心形成波洛茨克公国。 [1]  13世纪上半叶形成白俄罗斯语文字。13世纪中期-18世纪末,先后归属立陶宛大公国波兰立陶宛联邦。 [1]  18世纪起并入俄罗斯帝国。 [2]  第一次世界大战后期,1918年3月25日,依照《布列斯特-立托夫斯克和约》宣布独立,建立白俄罗斯人民共和国。1919年成立白俄罗斯苏维埃社会主义共和国,1922年并入苏联,成为苏联加盟共和国之一。1991年8月25日恢复独立。现为独联体集体安全条约组织的成员国。 [2] 

白俄罗斯工业基础较好,机械制造业、冶金加工业、机床及激光技术、IT业较发达;农业和畜牧业亦很发达。白俄罗斯与俄罗斯和哈萨克斯坦共同建立了欧亚经济联盟,与俄罗斯哈萨克的经济、军事等一体化趋势正逐渐加强。     viewed on
普京拜登或在瑞士会晤?英国大力渲染俄为“头号威胁” 20210525 |《今日关注》CCTV中文国际
​May 26, 2021

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