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President Biden Delivers Remarks on April Jobs Report
President Biden delivered remarks on the April 2021 jobs report, which found that the U.S. had added 266,000 jobs that month - well below the expected one million mark. The president said the job numbers reflected the need to bold action to help the economy bounce back. He also rebutted speculation that the enhanced unemployment benefit was impacting Americans returning to work.
MAY 07, 2021
THE PRESIDENT: Good afternoon. It’s exactly 12:00. I want to — I want to put today’s jobs report in perspective. And — look, when we came to office, we knew we were facing a once-in-a-century pandemic and a once-in-a-generation economic crisis. And we knew this wouldn’t be a sprint; it would be a marathon.
Quite frankly, we are moving more rapidly than I thought we would. This morning, we learned that our economy created 266,000 jobs in April. It hadn’t been adjusted again yet, but that’s what it says: 266.
And listening to commentators today — (laughs) — as I was getting dressed, you might think that we should be disappointed. But when we passed the American Rescue Plan, I want to remind everybody, it was designed to help us over the course of a year — not 60 days, a year. We never thought that, after the first 50 or 60 days, everything would be fine.
Today, there’s more evidence that our economy is moving in the right direction, but it’s clear we have a long way to go. All told, our economy has added more than 1,500,000 new jobs since I took office. That’s the most number of jobs created in the first three months of any presidency in our history.
And just for perspective, in these three months before I got here, the economy added about 60,000 jobs a month, not half a million. In the three months since I’ve been here, the economy has added 500,000 jobs per month.
And this is progress. And it’s a testament to our new strategy of growing this economy from the bottom up and the middle out. And it’s a clear testament to why it’s so needed.
Some critics said that we didn’t need the Ameriscan — the American Rescue Plan, that this economy would just heal itself. Today’s report just underscores, in my view, how vital the actions we’re taking are. Checks to people who are hurting. Support for small businesses, for childcare, and school reopening. Support to help families put food on the table. Our efforts are starting to work, but the climb is steep and we still have a long way to go... more
Liz Cheney a martyr to resistance as Republican party picks cult of Trump
The Republican congresswoman is all but certain to lose her leadership role. Her crime? Rejecting the ex-president’s big lie
May 8 - She is a champion of the hawkish foreign policy espoused by her father, a former US vice-president dubbed “Darth Vader”. She is a hardline conservative whose opposition to gay marriage pained her lesbian sister.
Now Republican congresswoman Liz Cheney finds herself a likely martyr of the resistance to ex-president Donald Trump, earning plaudits from party moderates and even some Democrats for swearing allegiance to truth rather than lies.
Cheney appears all but certain next week to lose her status as the sole woman in Republican leadership in the House of Representatives. Members have been lining up to express a lack of confidence in her and instead tout Elise Stefanik, a pro-Trump congresswoman, as her successor.
Cheney’s cardinal sin is to reject Trump’s “big lie” that last year’s election was stolen from him, increasingly the definitive loyalty test within the party. On the contrary, she has spoken out in public, tweeted that the false claim is “poisoning our democratic system” and even published a newspaper column urging colleagues to spurn the “Trump cult of personality”.
The former president has fired back, branding her a “warmonger” and throwing his weight behind Stefanik. Future historians may regard it as a fork in the road for Republicans: a choice between a conspiratorial demagogue and a return to conservatism, institutionalism and fact-based reality. It seems clear that Cheney will lose, much to the despair of admiring “Never Trumpers”. source from
May 8 - WASHINGTON—From Hollywood to the history books, Americans love a story of someone who is doomed to defeat but goes down swinging, fighting for what they believe in. It’s the story of “Rocky” and “Cool Hand Luke,” of Custer’s Last Stand and the Alamo.
Soon, it will likely be the story of Rep. Liz Cheney. As the Republican House conference chair, she holds the highest rank of any woman in her party. She’s among the most reliably conservative members of the GOP caucus. She’s the daughter of a man who served in four Republican administrations, including eight years as vice-president. Cheney is Republican Party royalty, and she is on her way to being ousted from her leadership position in a vote expected next week.
Her crime is repeating the simple truth in the face of the Big Lie. Former president Donald Trump, continues to insist he actually won the 2020 election. Cheney keeps telling the truth that he did not. It may end her career. And it may also crack up her party.
In a column in the Washington Post this week, Cheney wrote, “The Republican Party is at a turning point, and Republicans must decide whether we are going to choose truth and fidelity to the Constitution.” It looks to most observers as if that Republican choice has already been made, and that the party has chosen instead unquestioning allegiance to Trump... more
White House Daily Briefing
White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki held a briefing on the Biden administration’s policy agenda. Among the topics discussed were the Iran nuclear deal, President Biden’s intention to meet with Russian President Vladimir Putin, vaccine access, reopening schools, and the April 2021 jobs report. Joining the press secretary was Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen, who directly addressed the jobs report. Secretary Yellen said they knew recovery would “not be a hundred-day battle,” and that “today’s jobs report underscores the long haul climb back to recovery.”
《花生漫畫》西元1953年五月/"Peanuts" on May 5th, 1953

《花生漫畫》西元1953年五月/"Peanuts" on May. 6th, 1953

《花生漫畫》西元1953年五月/"Peanuts" on May. 6th, 1953(ie)

《花生漫畫》西元1953年五月/"Peanuts" on May 7th, 1953

《花生漫畫》西元1953年五月/"Peanuts" on May 8th, 1953

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