Thursday, January 14, 2021

White House News (白宮消息) | Jan. 15, 2021

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Protesters in Bloomington, Indiana, rally against executions at Terre Haute Federal Prison on 12 January. 
A 'staggering' number of prison executions is part of Donald Trump's legacy as US president

In just months, the Trump administration has overseen 11 federal executions in the US, with more planned in the final days before Joe Biden takes office.

Jan 15 - When Donald Trump leaves the White House next week, he will have presided over more federal executions than almost any other US president in the country’s history.

The Trump administration has pushed ahead with federal executions following his November election defeat, in defiance of a 131-year tradition that outgoing presidents suspend the practice during the transition period.

In just months the administration has overseen 11 deaths, with federal executions carried out at an unprecedented rate after being resumed in July of last year.     continue to read

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Trump administration pushes ahead with executions of criminals despite election defeat

It was a fraught, utterly uncharted presidential transition — four years ago, from Obama to Trump. It was a prelude for so much that followed.

Jan. 13 - On Jan. 5, the night before Congress met to certify Joe Biden’s victory in the presidential election, Michael Flynn — the retired three-star general, ousted national security adviser and pardoned felon — gave an interview to the prominent conspiracy theorist Alex Jones in which he assured the viewers of that Donald Trump would serve as president for another four years. It was a certainty, Flynn said. He referred to his experiences in Iraq and Afghanistan — “taking over countries, or running elections in countries” — and broke the present conflict down to the binary of “we” versus “they.” Flynn did not specify how, exactly, the intervention into the American election would work, though he alluded to “procedures” related to Trump’s authorities under a national emergency because of “foreign interference from multiple countries.”

“They tried to silence you,” Jones said, referring to Flynn’s 2017 expulsion from the White House. “They failed. Now you’ve come through the fire as a phoenix.” Later that night, Flynn addressed a crowd of several thousand (Jones said there were a million) gathered in Washington. “We are the ones that will decide,” Flynn said. The following afternoon, as the electoral votes were being counted, a pro-Trump mob invaded the Capitol.     continue to read

Jan 13, 2021
美國國會遭衝擊後,特朗普12日首次公開露面。他回應民主黨針對他發起的彈劾,形容這是美國歷史上最大政治迫害的延續,批評這做法激起巨大憤怒。特朗普也不認為自己應該為1月6號,發生在美國國會的暴亂負責。 美國國務院12號宣佈,為確保未來8天交接程序順利完成,取消國務卿蓬佩奧及以下所有官員本星期的出訪計劃。路透社報道指出,蓬佩奧取消訪問歐洲行程的真正原因是歐洲領導人拒絕會見蓬佩奧。 據美國媒體披露,在上周美國國會騷亂後,同特朗普業務較多的兩家銀行:德意志銀行和紐約地區銀行簽名銀行,將不再與特朗普開展新業務。另外多家美國企業暫停了對部分共和黨人的政治捐贈。 歐洲疫情持續嚴峻,英國政府12號表示,目前的防疫限制措施已經足夠嚴格,呼籲民眾遵守規定,才能盡快消滅疫情;而荷蘭就延長防疫措施三周,指變種病毒讓人非常擔憂,敦促民眾三月前都不要出國。 河北本輪疫情已經累計確診超過300例本土病例,當地12號宣佈,石家莊市、邢台市、廊坊市全域實行封閉管理;另外,黑龍江哈爾濱市12號晚通報,一名望奎縣返哈人員,核酸檢測呈陽性。

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