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Modi calls for quick action to save world at Leaders’ Summit on Climate 2021
Modi said that humanity is battling a pandemic and that it is a timely reminder that the grave threat of climate change has not disappeared
Apr. 23, New Delhi - Addressing the US-convened Leaders’ Summit on Climate 2021 in virtual format on Thursday, Prime Minister Narendra Modi called for “concrete action at a high speed, on large scale, and with a global scope” to combat climate change, adding he and US President Joe Biden are launching the “India-US Climate and Clean Energy Agenda 2030 partnership” to help “mobilise investments, demonstrate clean technologies, and enable green collaborations”.
Earlier, opening the summit, President Biden said: “The United States sets out on the road to cut greenhouse gases in half — in half by the end of this decade. That’s where we’re headed as a nation ... The signs are unmistakable. The science is undeniable. But the cost of inaction keeps mounting... I see an opportunity to create millions of good-paying, middle-class, union jobs.”
Prime Minister Modi, pointing out that “we, in India, are doing our part” and that India’s per capita carbon footprint is 60 per cent lower than the global average “because our lifestyle is rooted in sustainable traditional practices”, said: “Sustainable lifestyles and a guiding philosophy of ‘back to basics’ must be an important pillar of our economic strategy for the post-Covid era.”
Thanking President Biden for “taking this initiative”, Mr Modi said that “humanity is battling a global pandemic right now and, this event is a timely reminder that the grave threat of climate change has not disappeared”. He added: “In fact, climate change is a lived reality for millions around the world. Their lives and livelihoods are already facing its adverse consequences”... more
By essentially using the same tactics that China successfully used to fight the United States in the Korean War in 1950-53.
Date published on Apr. 23, 2021
Here's What You Need to Remember: Dougherty faults India’s current defense strategy, which calls for defending India’s long, mountainous Himalayas border with China with light forces, and then counterattacking into the Chinese-occupied Tibetan plateau to seize key terrain and bring China to the peace table.
How can India defeat China in a war, even though China has a larger and more technologically advanced military?
By essentially using the same tactics that China successfully used to fight the United States in the Korean War in 1950-53. Hit-and-run tactics in which Indian troops lurk in the Himalaya mountains, and then swooping down to surprise Chinese troops in the valleys below.
That’s the argument of an American defense expert who believes that India and America face parallel threats. While America is concerned about the security of the Western Pacific, India must worry about its disputed Himalayas border with China – over which the two nations fought in 1962 – as well as a growing Chinese presence in the Indian Ocean. more
Apr 23, 2021
Apr. 22 - Russian President Vladimir Putin’s military deployments around the borders of Ukraine suggest “an invasion is imminent,” according to a senior British lawmaker.
“Half of Russia's land capability, military land capability, now have moved to surround eastern Ukraine,” House of Commons Defense Select Committee Chairman Tobias Ellwood said Wednesday. “I hope it isn't the case, but I fear that an invasion is imminent, and that is concerning.”
Russia’s mobilization around Ukraine exceeds even the levels reached in 2014, when Putin annexed Crimea from its neighbor and led to a conflict in eastern Ukraine. Putin’s intentions with the latest buildup have stoked alarm in Kyiv and Western capitals, although his next steps remain a subject of debate.
But Ellwood is inclined to think that Moscow is planning a rerun of Putin’s previous efforts to carve political satellites out of former Soviet vassal states — such as the Crimea crisis and the 2008 intervention in Georgia.
“This is all because Putin wants to look strong and reignite that idea that it is a superpower,” Ellwood told the Council on Geostrategy, a British think tank. “And now, he's taking advantage of a disunited West”... more
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