Thursday, September 2, 2021

Caldor Fire | Sep. 2, 2021

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Reporter: Green card holders left in Afghanistan feel they ‘got screwed’

Sep. 2, 2021

Associated Press correspondent Matt Lee laid into State Department spokesman Ned Price during Wednesday’s briefing, saying “it defies logic” that officials have not been able to provide an estimate of the number of legal permanent US residents left in Afghanistan following the US military’s botched withdrawal from that country.

The Biden administration has estimated that between 100 and 200 American citizens remain in Afghanistan following the completion of the US evacuation mission Monday. However, they have not been forthcoming with the numbers of legal permanent US residents or holders of visas permitting resettlement in America who remain in Taliban-controlled territory.

After Price confirmed to Lee that the “100 to 200” number cited by officials referred to US passport holders, the reporter said, “you must have some estimate of LPRs [legal permanent residents] who are still there who want to get out, and if you don’t, why not?”

​Price ignored the question and focused on the US citizens left behind...     more

Afghan crisis: US 'actively working' to evacuate 500 Americans, says Ned Price
The State department says it has been in contact with and is actively working to evacuate around 500 Americans remaining in Afghanistan, as the U.S.- led airlift continued even as commanders and officials were recovering from Thursday's deadly suicide bombing. State Department spokesman Ned Price said Friday that 8,500 evacuees had been flown out of Kabul aboard U.S. military aircraft in the previous 24 hours, as well as about 4,000 people on coalition flights.
State Department spokesperson Ned Price holds a news briefing
Sep. 1, 2021
The Caldor Fire is an active wildfire burning in El Dorado CountyCalifornia, about 15 miles (24 km) southeast of Placerville. By September 1, 2021, it had burned 204,390 acres with 20% containment

The Caldor Fire started on August 14, 2021, near Little Mountain, south of 
Pollock Pines in El Dorado County,[3] about two miles East of Omo Ranch and four miles south of Grizzly Flats.[4][5] It initially burned slowly, but exploded in size on August 16 due to high winds. By the night of August 16 it was 6,500 acres (2,600 ha).[6] On August 17 the fire grew to 30,000 acres (12,000 ha) as it expanded rapidly north and east, crossing the North Fork Cosumnes River and approaching Sly Park Reservoir. By August 20 the fire had burned nearly to Highway 50, forcing a closure of the highway.[7] Over the next few days, the fire crossed Highway 50 in the vicinity of Kyburz. Starting on August 27 winds drove the fire rapidly east towards the Lake Tahoe Basin. By August 30, it had reached Echo Summit, less than 5 miles (8.0 km) from South Lake Tahoe.     from Wikipedia

塔利班新政府组建将启 美称继续反恐是何用意?20210901 |《今日关注》CCTV中文国际
Sep 2, 2021
Taliban soldiers talk, in Kabul
Explainer-What leverage do U.S., allies have over Taliban in Afghanistan?

Sep. 2 - The United States and its allies may have left Afghanistan in the hands of the Taliban but they still have “leverage” to make the Islamist militants honor commitments to allow people out of the country, according to U.S. President Joe Biden.

This was echoed by U.S. officials and other Western leaders, who believe the Taliban can be pressured into abandoning their past violence and support for terrorism with carrot and stick measures given Afghanistan’s outsized dependence on imported energy, food and foreign aid – and its shaky economy
Here are some of the most important levers the West has to press the Taliban into honoring women’s rights and cooperating with other countries:


The United States has an outsized role to play in deciding what happens to Afghanistan’s $9 billion in gold and foreign currency reserves. Of that, $7 billion is held in the United States, with $1.3 billion in other international accounts and some $700,000 by the Bank for International Settlements, the Afghan central bank governor tweeted after fleeing the country.

Washington quickly blocked After the Taliban takeover, the U.S. government blocked the group from accessing any central bank assets held by the Afghan government by the New York Federal Reserve or elsewhere in the United States, an administration official said the Taliban from accessing any central bank assets held by the Afghan government by the New York Federal Reserve or elsewhere in the United States, and the assets remain frozen.

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) suspended Afghanistan’s access to IMF resources on Aug. 18, including $440 million in new emergency reserves.

Washington is under pressure from some humanitarian groups, Afghan central bank officials and foreign governments, including Russia, to ease the freeze in assets and allow some dollar shipments, a move that would likely come with stiff conditions.

​The Taliban is likely to turn to narcotics or weapons trafficking instead, a Russian official said on Monday...     more

Sunday, August 29, 2021

Taliban | Aug. 29, 2021

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Who are the Taliban? | Start Here
May 30, 2021
Who are the Taliban? The Taliban have been fighting the Afghan government and its allies for decades. Now the US is pulling its soldiers out of Afghanistan and the Taliban seem stronger than ever. Who are the Taliban really? And how is it that they have so much power?
Taliban move to seal off Kabul airport as Biden warns attack 'highly likely'

The Taliban has deployed extra forces around Kabul's airport to prevent large crowds from gathering after a devastating suicide attack two days earlier, as the massive US-led airlift winds down ahead of its August 31 deadline.

Aug. 29 - New checkpoints have appeared on roads leading to the airport, some manned by uniformed Taliban fighters with Humvees and night-vision goggles captured from Afghan security forces.

It comes as Joe Biden said another terrorist attack on Kabul's airport is "highly likely in the next 24-36 hours"

The US Embassy in Kabul issued a security alert saying "Due to a specific, credible threat, all U.S. citizens in the vicinity of Kabul airport (HKIA), including the South (Airport Circle) gate, the new Ministry of the Interior, and the gate near the Panjshir Petrol station on the northwest side of the airport, should leave the airport area immediately."

Areas where large crowds of people had gathered over the past two weeks in the hope of fleeing the country following the Taliban takeover are now largely empty...     more


The Taliban (/ˈtælɪbæn, ˈtɑːlɪbɑːn/Pashto: طالبان‎, romanized: ṭālibānlit. 'students' or 'seekers'),[60][61] which refers to itself as the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan (IEA),[62] is a Deobandi Islamist religious-political movement and military organization in Afghanistan. It is currently one of two entities claiming to be the legitimate government of Afghanistan, alongside the internationally recognized Islamic Republic of Afghanistan. The Taliban's ideology has been described as combining an "innovative" form of Sharia Islamic law based on Deobandi fundamentalism[63] and militant Islamism, combined[63] with Pashtun social and cultural norms known as Pashtunwali,[1][2][64][65] as most Taliban are Pashtun tribesmen.

1996 to 2001, the Taliban held power over roughly three-quarters of Afghanistan, and enforced a strict interpretation of Sharia, or Islamic law.[66] The Taliban emerged in 1994 as one of the prominent factions in the Afghan Civil War[67] and largely consisted of students (talib) from the Pashtun areas of eastern and southern Afghanistan who had been educated in traditional Islamic schools, and fought during the Soviet–Afghan War.[68][10][11][69] Under the leadership of Mohammed Omar, the movement spread throughout most of Afghanistan, shifting power away from the Mujahideen warlords. The totalitarian[6][70] Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan was established in 1996 and the Afghan capital was transferred to Kandahar. It held control of most of the country until being overthrown after the American-led invasion of Afghanistan in December 2001 following the September 11 attacks. During the group's previous rule parts of the northeast were held by the Northern Alliance, which largely maintained international recognition as a continuation of the interim Islamic State of Afghanistan.[71] At its peak, formal diplomatic recognition of the Taliban's government was acknowledged by only three nations: Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates. The group later regrouped as an insurgency movement to fight the American-backed Karzai administration and the NATO-led International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) in the War in Afghanistan.

The Taliban have been condemned internationally for the harsh enforcement of their interpretation of Islamic Sharia law, which has resulted in the brutal treatment of many Afghans.[72][73] During their rule from 1996 to 2001, the Taliban and their allies committed massacres against Afghan civilians, denied UN food supplies to 160,000 starving civilians, and conducted a policy of scorched earth, burning vast areas of fertile land and destroying tens of thousands of homes.[74][75][76][77][78][79] While the Taliban controlled Afghanistan, they banned activities and media including paintings,[80] photography,[81] and movies that depicted people or other living things.[82] They also prohibited music using instruments, with the exception of the daf, a type of frame drum.[83] The Taliban prevented girls and young women from attending school,[84] banned women from working jobs outside of healthcare (male doctors were prohibited from treating women),[85] and required that women be accompanied by a male relative and wear a burqa at all times when in public.[86] If women broke certain rules, they were publicly whipped or executed.[87] Religious and ethnic minorities were heavily discriminated against during Taliban rule. According to the United Nations, the Taliban and their allies were responsible for 76% of Afghan civilian casualties in 2010, and 80% in 2011 and 2012.[88][89][90][91][92][93] The Taliban also engaged in cultural genocide, destroying numerous monuments including the famous 1500-year-old Buddhas of Bamiyan.[94][95][96][97]

​The Pakistani Inter-Services Intelligence and military are widely alleged by the international community and the Afghan government to have provided support to the Taliban during their founding and time in power, and of continuing to support the Taliban during the insurgency. Pakistan states that it dropped all support for the group after the 11 September attacks.[98][99][100][101][102][103] In 2001, reportedly 2,500 Arabs under command of Al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden fought for the Taliban.[104] Following the Fall of Kabul on 15 August 2021, the Taliban regained control of Afghanistan.     from Wikipedia

U.S. President Joe Biden arrives for a virtual briefing with FEMA Administrator Deanne Criswell on preparations for Hurricane Ida at the White House in Washington, U.S., August 28, 2021. REUTERS/Elizabeth Frantz

Biden says he has coordinated with governors, electric utilities on Hurricane Ida

WASHINGTON, Aug 28 (Reuters) - U.S. President Joe Biden on Saturday said he has spoken to governors of states in the Gulf of Mexico region and has coordinated with electric utilities in preparation for Hurricane Ida, the powerful storm expected to make landfall late Sunday.

"We've prepositioned food, water, generators and other supplies in the area. Power restoration and mobile communications support teams are also en route. We've also closely coordinated with the electric utilities to restore power as soon as possible," Biden said at a briefing with the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).

Hurricane Ida intensified on Saturday and the reach of its winds expanded over warm Gulf of Mexico waters, prompting tens of thousands to jam Louisiana highways as they fled the seashore. Utilities were bringing in extra crews and equipment to deal with expected power losses from the storm. read more

Biden said FEMA deployed 500 emergency response personnel in Texas and Louisiana ahead of the storm, in addition to 2,000 FEMA workers already supporting the COVID response in the region.     source from


Republicans hit Biden over Afghanistan, with eye on midterms

Aug. 29 - ​Republicans in Congress want President Biden out of office after 13 U.S. service members and at least 170 others were killed in a terrorist attack during the Afghanistan evacuation.

They’re calling for his resignation, impeachment and even for the 25th Amendment to be invoked to end his presidency.

​Some of the GOP lawmakers pushing for Biden’s ouster are familiar Trump loyalists like Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.), who called for impeachment; Rep. Madison Cawthorn (R-N.C.), who urged Biden’s Cabinet to remove him from office via the 25th Amendment; and Sen. Josh Hawley (R-Mo.), who demanded Biden resign...     more

美警告恐袭威胁加剧 阿富汗会否再陷乱战深渊?20210828 |《今日关注》CCTV中文国际
Aug 29, 2021

Friday, August 27, 2021

General McKenzie | Aug. 27, 2021

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Isalamic State suicide bombers attacked crowds of people gathered Thursday outside Kabul airport hoping to flee Taliban-controlled Afghanistan, killing dozens including 13 US troops, as President Joe Biden vowed to hunt down those responsible
Kabul Airport Blasts LIVE Updates: At least 60 Including US Military Personnel Dead; Biden Vows to Avenge Deaths

"We will not forgive. We'll not forget. We will hunt you down and make you pay," Biden vowed to avenge deaths.​

Aug. 27 - At least 60 people, including children and US military personnel, were killed after 2 explosions rocked the Kabul airport amid a chaotic evacuation effort from Taliban-controlled Afghanistan on Thursday. Explosions took place outside the Abbey Gate – where US and British forces have been stationed – and at a nearby hotel — where the processing of refugees takes place.

Meanwhile, speaking at the White House US President Joe Biden vowed to carry on with evacuating people fleeing Afghanistan. He also pledged that the US would hunt down those behind the attacks and make them pay. “We will not forgive. We’ll not forget. We will hunt you down and make you pay,” Biden vowed to avenge deaths. He asserted he had ordered the Pentagon to plan how to strike ISIS-K, the Islamic State affiliate that claimed responsibility. Notably, the attack came after warnings there could be militant attacks, as nations evacuate people ahead of the August 31 deadline.     source from

Related Articles:

'Priority Remains to Evacuate People': NATO Chief After Kabul Airport Blasts
Twin Blasts Outside Kabul Airport Kill Dozens; Taliban Condemn Attack, Suspect Role of ISIS | Key Points
France President Emmanuel Macron Urges Utmost Caution After Kabul Blasts


Kenneth Franklin McKenzie Jr.[2] (born 1956 or 1957) is a United States Marine Corps general who currently serves as the 14th commander of the United States Central Command.[3] He served as Director of the Joint Staff assuming the job on July 5, 2017 after having previously served for two years as Director of Strategic Plans and Policy (J-5) on the Joint Staff.[4] He assumed his current assignment on March 28, 2019.     from Wikipedia

says Afghan withdrawal will make terror fight harder

Date Published on April 20, 2021

In a blunt assessment Tuesday, the top U.S. general for the Middle East told Congress it will be extremely difficult but not impossible for the U.S. to find, track and take out counterterrorism threats in Afghanistan once all American troops are withdrawn.

Gen. Frank McKenzie, head of U.S. Central Command, said that armed drones, which can now get to a location within minutes from bases in Afghanistan, will have to be positioned much farther away. And he acknowledged that the U.S. has no agreements yet with neighboring countries to base troops, but is working on a plan.

“I don’t want to make light of it, I don’t want to put on rose-colored glasses and say it’s going to be easy to do,” McKenzie told the House Armed Services Committee, adding that if the U.S. needs to go back into Afghanistan because of a threat, it will require significant intelligence support. “It will be harder to do that, it is not impossible.”

​McKenzie declined to say what recommendations on Afghanistan he gave to President Joe Biden, who last week ordered the full withdrawal of the more than 2,500 remaining U.S. troops by Sept. 11. He said he had full opportunity to provide his advice to the president...     more

还有1500名美国人等待撤离!美放狠话让阿富汗或成“国际弃儿”!20210826 |《今日关注》CCTV中文国际
Aug 27, 2021

Saturday, August 21, 2021

Garry Reid | Aug. 21, 2021

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Garry Reid: Our US military has done an outstanding job supporting [the SIV] effort. @USNorthernCmd and the @USArmyNorth, operating from @ArmyFortLee, Virginia, have provided housing, food, medical, and other services to these Afghans.

Garry Reid is currently serving as the Director for Defense Intelligence (Intelligence and Security) (DDI (I&S)), reporting directly to the Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence (USD(I)). In this capacity he is responsible for the formulation and implementation of policy and resources to conduct HUMINT, counterintelligence, security, sensitive activities, intelligence analysis, intelligence sharing, and partner engagement programs. On behalf of the USD(I), Mr. Reid oversees the activities of DoD intelligence and related elements, coordinates these activities within the US Intelligence community and US interagency, and provides regular reporting of these activities to Congress. Prior to this assignment, Mr. Reid served as a Special Assistant for Mission Integration, advising the USD(I) on issues concerning warfighter support, intelligence and security, technical collection and special programs, and intelligence strategy, programs and resources.      source from

As White House scrambles on Afghanistan, Biden faces some of most dire days of his presidency

Aug. 20 - Two photographs of President Joe Biden this week neatly illustrated the White House's fight to contain the fallout of the biggest crisis of his presidency.

In the first, he sat alone at Camp David, staring upwards at a bank of video monitors surrounded by 18 empty leather chairs. Even some White House officials wondered whether the imagery, including him in a polo shirt, was helpful.

Three days later, when Biden was back at the White House, the picture was much different. He sat in suit and tie at the head of the Situation Room conference table, mask hanging off one ear as he scowled toward the assembled members of his national security team. The same team assembled a day later to "manage efforts in Afghanistan," the White House said.

Biden has found himself caught this week in some of the most dire days of his seven-month-old presidency, accused of badly botching the end of America's longest war even by some of his most reliable allies at home and abroad. The White House has scrambled to explain the chaos in Afghanistan through briefings, speeches and interviews -- even as Biden himself remains defiant in his decision and insists the American people are behind him.

At the same time, officials have sought to proceed with their regular business, scheduling an announcement on Covid vaccine boosters for Wednesday and making clear Biden was still focused on his domestic agenda, including the infrastructure bill making its way through Congress. He spoke Thursday with Democratic lawmakers not about Afghanistan, but about his jobs and infrastructure agenda -- a sign the President is intent on maintaining forward momentum, despite the calamity in Kabul...     more

阿富汗新政权待建 极端组织会否趁乱反扑? 20210820 |《今日关注》CCTV中文国际
Aug 21, 2021

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  WH keeping public in dark on what Biden demanded of China’s Xi over arming Putin​ Mar. 18 - The White House was tight-lipped Friday about ...